Bags can be classified into many categories according to their different materials that make them. When we choose to buy a bag, we will consider such things as styles, patterns, and colors, etc.. But most of all, we will see what materials that make them are. Why do we pay much attention to the materials that make bags? It is because that different materials are with different advantages and disadvantages. And what materials of bags we choose are much determined by what we attach more importance to. Here list several kinds of bags and the advantages and the disadvantages of different bags made by different materials.
Cloth bags, nowadays, are very popular among young people. There are various kinds of cloth bags, such as silk bags or canvas bags. Why are cloth bags so prevalent?
The first advantage of them is that they are very fashion bags, pink ones, purple ones, blue ones, green ones, yellow ones, all can be found on the market. If we want a special colored cloth bag, we can always find it. The patterns of cloth bags, the same as colors, are also as various as we can imagine. Then it leads to its second advantage, that is, it is easy to match clothing. For example, if we wear a shirt with the ground color of white and red patterns, we can match a cloth bag with the ground color of red and flowery patterns.
But cloth bags also have disadvantages. First, they are easy to become dirty. They, like clothing, always need cleaning. Especially in summer when our hands often sweat, we may make them dirty by catching them with our hands. Second, they are not durable enough. Cloth bags are easy to turn worn-out. When there are holes on the surfaces or their straps are broken, they can not be used further. Third, they have no function of water-proof. In a rainy day, if we use a cloth bag to carry our documents, we may venture the risk of making the documents damp.
Leather bags are another kind of bag that are loved by people. Leather bags have their own advantages and disadvantages totally different from cloth bags. The first advantage is that leather bags are more durable. They are not easily worn-out, except that we cut them with a knife. The second advantage is that leather bags are easy to be cleaned. We can use a cloth to clean them. If they lose their original luster, we can also apply some leather oil on them. So they always look brand new if we know how to care them. Third, real leather bags are valuable and expensive. They are a kind of symbol of identity and social status. Besides, leather bags have the function of water proof and it is safe to carry them in a rainy day.
Leather bags have also some disadvantages. Leather bags have not that many kinds of patterns as cloth bags have. The colors of leather bags are often thicker and the patterns are often simple, not as bright and showy as those of cloth bags are. It is because that the beauty of leather bags is their quality feelings, which are better showed by the thicker colors and simple patterns. So we more frequently carry leather bags on some formal occasions or we like to match them with formal clothing.
Since different bags have their separate advantages and disadvantages, we need to thoroughly consider for what usage we need the bags and on what occasions we wear the bags. Many of us have so many bags piled in our wardrobes which have been left unused for long time. It just results from the fact that we have not carefully considered the advantages and the disadvantages of various bags before we buy them. Of course, some girls like to buy bags just for admiration, or like to buy different bags for different usages. Really we need various bags, which make us happy and satisfied.
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